Thursday, December 14, 2017

Class Evaluation

1.Things I liked about the class were learning life lessons every time we walked into the class. They were interesting and always taught me something new. Another thing I really enjoyed about the class was the coding. It was fun coding the games that I like to play. It was keeping me entertained and I was able to learn how to properly code.

2.Things I didn't like about the class were that we didn't have free time to do the things we like. Such as just being on the computer without having to work on a assignment. I also didn't enjoy have to write 10 sentences for each new statement. Sometimes I just didn't have much to say.

3.I recommend that we should be allowed to sit with whoever we want. I know that I personally can still could get my stuff done sitting with a friend. Another recommendation would be to allow us to do more group projects because last year in digital computers those were fun.

4.A highlight for me in this class was getting a perfect score on both the flashcard machine assignments. I did over 150 flashcards on both assignments.

5.I tried my best in this class most days because I would always bring my Life Planning Goals journal to class. Except on the occasional days that I would forget it at home.

6.I am reading and writing in my Goals Journal everyday for five minutes. Except I don't report on the days I don't do it in class but every time I come to class I always report for those days I didn't report.

7.I am committed to being a CTR person because I want to succeed in life.I also want to make my parents proud of me and I want to be proud of myself. I am also seeking Personal Development because their is always room to get better.

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Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation      Things I liked about Exploring Computer Science Class is having 5 minutes to write in our journal everyday. This ...