Monday, September 25, 2017

The Six Attitudes of High Achievers

2. Do What They Fear
Image result for do what they fear quoteDo what others fear to do, don't be afraid to stand alone. If everyone is bullying someone and you know it's wrong; don't be afraid to stand up for the kid. Even if it turns your friends against you, they aren't real friends. Even an adult do what others fear. Such as giving your opinions. Or for example in movies, the bad guys always intimidate the people with black mail. If the protagonist were to follow what others were doing then their wouldn't be a movie. They almost always are fighting for the right thing. Be the protagonist in that movie and stand up for yourself. Fears only get in the way and if it's the right thing to do high achievers do it. They also take risks, even if it's possible they may lose it all.  Many people fear the same things and that stops them from being high achievers.

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