Monday, September 18, 2017

The Nine Ways to Be HAPPY and Make Something of Yourself

1.Be Grateful
2.Be Smart
3. Be Involved
4.Be Clean
5.Be True
6.Be Positive
7. Be Humble
8.Be Still
9. Be Prayerful
Everyone should commit to the nine ways, it'll make them happy. Don't forget to be grateful for everything you have. Be smart and make right decisions. Always be involved to make things better, such as with your community. Be clean and stay away from drugs. Be true to yourself; and stay positive it gives you hope. Be humble, don't get a big head.Be still and if you want prayerful. I myself will follow these ways. It will help improve my life and make me happy. I believe I myself need to work on being positive, I always seem to think negative. If I'm in a volleyball game and we are losing by 10 points I always seem to give up. That isn't the right thing to do because I stop trying. That makes it for sure that we will lose. I need to be positive and believe that we can catch up and win.

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