Wednesday, September 27, 2017

High Achievers- Attitude 3

3. High Achievers are willing to prepare
Image result for mount everestHigh Achievers are willing to take time and better themselves. They will practice until they are nearly at perfection. They also don't care if the process is really long. For instance, climbing Mount Everest is really hard. The climbers have to train a lot because they must be fit. They probably practice for months maybe even years, I wouldn't know. But that is how they are high achievers, they don't give up and are willing to prepare. Another example can be astronauts. They prepare so hard and everyone considers them high achievers. They are recognized by everyone for their hard work and dedication. They have to go through a lot of training and through school too. They have to know how to manage a rocket and they have to be able to live that lifestyle.

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